Athletics at Lifeline

Through the Lifeline Charter School Athletics Program we aim to avail health, sports knowledge, and sports participation through expertise in coaching, sports training, athletic footwork/speed, stretching, cardio and group club sports, such as track & field, cross-country, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and health training clubs. We also offer parent and family group support by way of team volunteering, fundraising, parent group meetings, tutoring/study hall, and mentoring avenues.
LECS Athletics Academic Guidelines
1.  All LECS Athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA, with no grade less than a "C".  
2.  Athletes with less than a 2.5 GPA will be placed on Academic Probation and must attend after school tutoring.  
3.  Poor attendance (absences and tardies) may disqualify an athlete from participation.  
4.  Poor work habits and/or referrals to the Dean of Students may disqualify an athlete from participation.  
5.  Athletes are to complete a Five-Week Grade Check  and submit it to the Athletic Director.